When I was in high school, my journalism teacher told me that I used commas too frequently. I hated her. I showed the paper she had referenced to one of my other writing teachers who told me that I used commas correctly. They are to be used at your own
discretion whenever you take a mental breath in a sentence. Later on, I was telling someone the story and very loudly--I had a bit of a
Freudian slip I guess--I said, "I OVERUSE CONDOMS!!!" and I don't think I'll ever get past that. Quite
So you can see that commas and I go way back. Which is why I think a comma necklace is the best thing since sliced bread. Made by
FinnishDesignShop, the necklace costs 75 Euros (roughly $116). That's pretty pricey in my book, so I'm hoping that other designers take note (
hint hint: Target) so that I can always be safe and have a condom, whoops I mean COMMA with me at all times.