
Friday, August 13, 2010

Ball Fringe Makes a Shocking Comeback

On a recent jaunt over to Old Navy, I was horrified to see that apparently, ball fringe has made a comeback.  Their Women's Printed Gauze Pom-Pom Scarves look an awful lot like my grandma's curtains. And I don't care how you word it--"pom-pom" is ball fringe.

Ball fringe is somewhat of a joke in my household.  My grandma (much as I love her), has always been quite the fan, and the first to offer up a ball-fringed goodie.

So immediately when I saw this monstrosity, I knew that I had to pick one up for her (not only because I found it hilarious that she is apparently right on trend, but because I knew she'd actually love it).

Here's a picture of her and I modeling the pink version (don't worry--I only wore one for the hilarity of it--I gave it to her sister):

So, although my grandma might be technically "right" about ball fringe, certainly doesn't mean I want anyone under the age of 60 wearing it. And Old Navy? What were you THINKING??!

That is all.