I'm always forgetting to throw emergency products into my handbag. I should know better, as I'm constantly running into trouble and end up having to search all over the place for clear nail polish (for my tights or leggings that run), nail files and tampons.
This adorable little
Ms. & Mrs. Mini*mergency Survival Kit has everything us gals could possibly need in any given situation. Here's what's included:
- Hairspray
- Clear Nail Polish
- Nail Polish Remover
- Emery Board
- Lip Balm
- Earring Backs
- Clear Elastics
- Sewing Kit
- Double-Sided Tape
- Stain Remover
- Deodorant Towelette
- Pain Reliever
- Tampon
- Breath Freshener
- Dental Floss
- Adhesive Bandages
It doesn't seem possible, but all of these items fit into a tiny bag that's only 3.5" x 1.75" x 2.5". Everything is mini-sized and perfect for anytime you're in need of anything. Keeping one of these in your handbag is a must.
Best part? Each kit is only $10.