As everyone in the entire world knows, I'm crazily addicted to handbags. I own a ton and honestly I cannot go into a store without at least looking at their bags. Sometimes I even spend hours just looking online for fab bags.
That's how I found this adorable Delia Quilted Bow Bag from Handbag Heaven. First, I have to give props to Handbag Heaven. They always have amazing, designer-inspired bags for decent prices. Love it!
This particular bag tickles my fancy to the max. It's everything a girly handbag should be. The bag is super feminine and goes with nearly any outfit. You can wear it with a fancy dress, or with jeans and a t-shirt. That's the mark of a really great purse, by the way. It also has tons of little pockets inside to store anything you might need for a night out.
I love the ballerina pink color with the black bow. Anything pink automatically goes on my wish list. And the colors together look unique and add a bit of glamour. That said, if you aren't really into pink, the handbag does come in black.
The bag is on sale for $42.46 (marked down from $83). Totally worth it for such a pretty bag!