I can't get enough of Hello Kitty. I don't know what it is, but I just love her to pieces. Everytime I see anything Hello-Kitty-esque, I must have it. Even my toaster is Hello Kitty themed. It actually burns her face right into a piece of bread. In all actuality, it makes it too cute to eat.
While perusing online to look for more doodads, I came across a few interesting things. Did you guys know that Hello Kitty has her own
perfume??? It's $200. Pretty much waaay more pricey than any perfume I've ever bought. But it's pink and cute and even comes with an adorable necklace. It's on my wish list for when I'm rich and famous.
I also found a
Hello Kitty robot. Really. I couldn't believe my eyes. The robot can communicate using Hello Kitty's cute little voice. It can chat with you in 3 different situations: 1 As a close friend; 2 With the family; 3 Playing a guessing game. The most troubling thing is that the website suggests busy parents buy this for their kids (with incorrect grammar, even):
This is a perfect robot for whoever does not have a lot time to stay with child. Hello Kitty Robot can help you to stay with your child to keep them from being lonely.
Hmm... That doesn't seem very healthy. Oh, and each robot costs $5,000! I don't know many people who have that sort of cash to blow on Hello Kitty robots. I still can't help but want one though!