Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fashion Faux Pas: Wearing a Trash Bag as a Dress

Jennifer Lopez wore this outfit (I use the term loosely) to an event recently.

Now I get that she's known for taking fashion risks.  But wearing what seems to be a hefty bag does not make a great outfit.  I thought that this was common knowledge, but clearly I was wrong.

The saddest part is that the garment was probably thousands of dollars. In all actuality, it's entirely made of expensive leather. If she wanted to take the whole "trash bag" look for a spin, she could have saved some cash and crafted her very own trash-chic dress for under $1.

Sigh. Even when you're as gorgeous as Miss Lopez, you can't pull off wearing a bag.

And P.S.: if anyone tells you that you'd look gorgeous "even if you wore a paper (or plastic) bag", they're lying.

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